Sunday, February 28, 2010

Roti Canai Mamu

Ini laaa roti canai Mamu yang famous kat penang nih... memang sedap giler.... Pi pekena kat kedai dier lagi best... tapi yg best lagi dia ader buat frozen roti canai...
Pada sapa2 yang beli Roti Canai Mamu (Frozen) please email to me yah...!!!!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Ectopic Pregnancy

Kat sini, aku nak luahkan aper yang dah berlaku kat aku for the last 3 weeks. On 24th Jan, aku mai period. After one week, period aku continue in brown color. Aku dah start pelik. Esok tuh terus aku gi beli Pregnancy Test. The test show POSITIVE result. Ya Allah, aku terkejut dan rasa takut. Tak rasa begitu gembira coz aku tau last week jer aku kuar darah period. Esok, terus ajer aku gi check to know what had happen to me. Aku bring along the test and show to the doctor. Doc start to scan. Tapi the result is No pregnancy inside the womb. Doc start ambik darah aku. By blood test leh proof lebih details.

After 3 days, aku kena mai jumpa Doc lagik. The doc said, YES u confirm pregannt. Doc start to scan. Tapi sedey... still tak nampak. Doc start susah hati gaks. Dia ambik darah aku for 2nd time. Doc kata maybe kandungan tak menjadi. Tapi still kena cari where is the Fetus.

After 2 weeks bleeding, at least doc give up and ask me to refer to PPUM. On 15th Feb, on the same day, aku pon pi laaa kat PPUM. Ingatkan doctor nak check dulu and ask me to come again... alih2... doctor kata, kena masuk bilik operation. The only way to find out where is the Fetus, is to do a laparoscopic operation. Tapi memandangkan aku baru jer kena ceaser last year, the doctor decide to ceaser again at the same place.... so, kena ceaser laaa aku nih akhirnya. At last doctor jumpa fetus dalam tiub fallopio sebelah kiri yang berumur 7 minggu.

Alhamdullillah, aku selamat. Dah sekrg aku tgh berpantang kat my hometown in Penang. Doctor kata aku still ader chances untuk mengandung lagi tapi still berisiko utk mendapat ectopic sekali lagi. Aku berdoa agar perjalanan hidup aku selepas ini menjadi lancar dan sempurna. AMIN...

Disebabkan aku tengah berpantang, aku mintak ampun pada semua kekawan yang nak tempah cupcakes kat aku... aku still tak leh buat lagi. Tengah recover diri. Insya Allah, dah baik nanti, aku leh start ambik order yer....!!!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Hantaran for my brother

Wanna share my experience buat hantaran for my brother. Kenduri yang terakhir dalam family. That's why kali nih aku pilih tema Fresh Flower.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Try and Try

This time aku try buat lukisan baju, belon dan cake... nak biasakan diri main ngan nozzle no.2. Sila abaikan colors yer kekawan kerana saya pakai ajer color yang dah dibancuh sebelum nih....

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

My 2nd Trial in Choc Flavour

Alhamdullillah... success gak aku buat cupcakes perisa choc..... Here are the some design yang aku test-test.....

Kalo tengok pada colors... memang laaa aku nih jenis reti nak mix around the colors... I have to learn more.....

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Farewell to Ruzita

Cupcakes special for my staff Ruzita yang decide nak menjadi surirumah sepenuh masa...
Thank you sooo much for your support and your reports every month to me...
As your supervisor, i really appreciate all your efforts.
Thank you again....!!

Farewell & Thank You

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

~1st Order~

This is my 1st order from my MIL for my BIL nyer birthday yang ke 24. Happy Birthday  A'E.... Hope you like the cake....

The simplest design...

Happy birthday A'E

Try nak buat Sunflower. Tapi macam kureng menjadi laks....

~ 1st Trial ~

My first trial on the cakes, i can said... SUCCESS... but looking at the design... hehehe... SAYA BUDAK BARU BELAJAR yer.....

Design yang paling simple...

Kek menjadi but design agak kureng sikit...

Monday, February 1, 2010

my 1st basic cupcakes class

Alhamdullillah dan Thank you soooo much to Lynn Hassan. This is my first Basic Cupcake class and my first experience in baking the cake. Dulu-dulu ada laaa dok tolong mak buat cake & cookies..... tapi sejak masuk U dan kahwin... dah tak ambik port dah... tambah ada anak... lagi laaa sibuk....

Tapi ntah mcmmana tah... tetiba datang lak hobi nak blaja buat cupcake nih....

Rakan-rakan seperjuangan

My first cupcakes

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